Support Services

  1. Market Information

    Market information systems are information systems used in gathering, analyzing and disseminating information about prices and other information relevant to farmers, animal rearers, traders, processors and others involved in handling agricultural products. Market information systems play an important role in agro-industrialization and food supply chains. With the advance of Information and communication technologies for development (ICTs) in developing countries, the income- generation opportunities offered by market information systems have been sought by international development organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and businesses alike.

  2. What will be disseminated
    1. Commodity Price
    2. Various Stakeholders Function
    3. AHCX Operations; Grading and Standardization, Commodity Information
  3. Mode of Dissemination
    1. Via SMS
    2. Live television Feed
    3. Radio
    4. Print Media
    5. Price Display Board
  4. Capacity Building

    The ability to create knowledge efficiencies throughout the AHCX life cycle is critical because:

    1. The volume of information that Organisations need to process on a daily basis is increasing
    2. Organisations are expected to do more work with fewer resources. Knowledge is the lever that enables efficiency and effectiveness.
    3. Enterprise driven organizations like the AHCX are knowledge Organisations with a strategic interest in managing large volumes of information to a varied array of stakeholders with different literacy levels.

    The purpose of a conceptual for Market Information through the AHCX is to strive for continuous improvement in performance towards achievement of intended the AHCX strategic objectives, mainly in respect to Knowledge Management partners like MEMBERS, AHCX particular interest is for the performance of the following function;

    1. Creation and Dissemination of Information Education and Communication materials on the operations of the AHCX, Grading, Standardization, Quality of the commodity, Warehousing Receipt System,
    2. Agriculture extension service; Agri-information dissemination on market prices, commodity handling and care, post and pre-harvest care for commodity and metrological information to mention but a few.
    3. Content creation for Website and Mass media consumption. Setting the operational context of AHCX; photo collection and the human voice behind stakeholders (this will evolve into success stories)
  5. Monitoring the performance of AHCX

    Members partnership with AHCX will dwell on Improving the agricultural marketing of the country through knowledge transfer to farmers which will trigger enhanced production of an excellent quality commodity that can be competitive internationally additionally commercialization of the agricultural produces, to this extent AHCX success is cemented in an integral Extension Program.
    To a large extent through the provision of extension services Members will be creating awareness for AHCX as part of our market segmentation strategy and overall communication strategy.

Some information may not be accurate, Website still under construction!!!